Past Events

On Sept 24-25th 2015, the 1st Edition was held in Brussels, with a high-level set of speakers, including recognized IT security experts, such as Bruce Schneier and Bart Preneel, and from IT security institutions, such as the Head of Information Superiority of the European Defence Agency, and more. See the report and the program with videos.

On Oct 16th, 2015, the 2nd Edition was held in Iguazu, Brazil, with distinguished the minister of IT of Brazil, Marcos Mazoni, and a high-ranking official of the Brazilian Cyber Command, and the CEO of the most advanced crypto company in Brazil, Kryptus.

On July 21st, 2016, a 3rd Edition was held in New York with amazing confirmed speakers, including Joe Cannataci, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy, and Max Schrems, the Austrian privacy activist behind the overhaul of Safe Harbor Agreement.

On September 22nd-23rd 2016, the 4th Edition 2016 was held in Brussels, with the participation of an amazing set of speakers, including the CIO of Austria, the Vice-Chair of the EU Parliament LIBE Committee, the Head of R&D of the Italian Banking Association; the Head of R&D of the France Nuclear Agency; Paul Nemitz, Director of Fundamental Rights and Union citizenship in the DG Justice of the European Commission; Maris Koen, CTO of Cybersecurity at ATOS…