Free and Safe in Cyberspace – EU Edition 2016 was held in Brussels on September 22nd-23rd 2016 to catalyse a constructive dialogue and a wide informed consensus on new international standards and certification governance bodies for ultra-high assurance end-2-end IT systems – for communications, constitutional lawful access and autonomous systems – to deliver access to unprecedented and constitutionally meaningful e-privacy and e-security to all, while increasing public safety and cyber-investigation capabilities.Conceived by the Open Media Cluster (now called Trustless Computing Association), lead by Rufo Guerreschi, and co-organized by the EU EIT Digital Privacy, Security and Trust Action Line, lead by Jovan Golic.
Recent evidence suggests that nearly all IT devices and services are remotely, undetectably and scalably hackable by several actors, through state-sanctioned or state-mandated back-doors.
As a consequence, EU and US IT companies are struggling to seek ways to offer the levels of trustworthiness that both customers and constitutions require, by differentiating themselves sustainably on the basis of provable and meaningfully higher levels of trustworthiness.
We are told daily by nearly all privacy experts and government officials that we must to choose between meaningful personal privacy and enabling lawfully authorized cyber-investigations. But both are essential to democracy and freedom. What if it was not a choice of “either or”, a zero-sum game, but instead primarily a “both or neither” challenge, yet to be proven unfeasible?
Are key assets and capabilities of nations’ law enforcement, defense and intelligence themselves highly vulnerable to attackers – foreign, domestic and internal – due to the lack of sufficiently comprehensive, translucent and accountable socio-technical standards, such as in IT facility access, device fabrication or assembly? How vulnerable are AI-driven autonomous IT systems, movable and not, to attacks via their critical socio-technical low-level subsystems?
Can the paradigm “Trust but verify” still be a sufficient when the bribery, threatening or identity theft of a single person (rarely 2), in key role in the life-cycle of a single critical component or process, can enable concurrent compromise of every instance of a given critical IT system, including communication,state surveillance, or autonomous movable devices? Should the paradigm rather be “Trust or verify”, by deepening and extending oversight all the way to CPU designs and fabrication oversight? But how can that be made economical for wide spread adoption and compatible with feature and performance needs?
For more details on the context, see and contribute to our Challenges Backgrounder.


Bart Preneel
Director at COSIC TU Leuven. President at International Association for Cryptologic Research. Arguably EU’s most peer-recognized IT security expert and researcher.

Jan Philipp Albrecht
Vice-Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the EU Parliament. Member of the European Parliament and Vice-Chair of its Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE Committee). A Franco-German politician from the Alliance ’90/The Greens.

Reinhard Posch
Chief Technology Officer (CIO) of the Federal Republic of Austria. Since 2001, he is Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the Federal Government of Austria responsible for strategic coordination of activities in the field of ICT including all levels of government. From 2007 to 2011 he was Chairman of the Management Board of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).

Renaud Sirdey
Research director at Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, the French DoE. Since 2010, he has been working on the development of a practical technology for computing over encrypted data grounded in homomorphic cryptography. Coordinating EIT Digital project HC@WORKS, a use case-driven project which aims at demonstrating the practical value of homomorphic cryptocomputing in a 1st round of real-world settings.

Koen Maris
Chief Technology Officer at ATOS. A Security Expert with a unique combination of conceptual and technical competences. Previously Chief Security Officer at Telecom Luxembourg. ATOS is one of the top 5 EU IT security companies with 9bn€ revenue in 2015. He has 18 years of experience in the IT domain and for customers in various business sectors.

Marit Hansen
Data Protection Supervisor of the State of Schleswig-Holstein of the Federal Republic of Germany. Data Protection Supervisor of the State of Schleswig-Holstein of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Privacy Commissioner of Schleswig-Holstein, Marit Hansen, is head of ULD. ULD is responsible for both freedom of information as well as data protection at private and public sector entities seated in Schleswig-Holstein.

Jaap - Henk Hoepman
Associate professor at the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences of the Radboud University Nijmegen. Associate professor at the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences of the Radboud University Nijmegen. Director of the Privacy & Identity Lab. Member of the Digital Security group. Author of “The Second Crypto War Is Not about Crypto” and “Revocable Privacy: Principles, Use Cases, and Technologies“

Jovan Golic
Privacy, Security and Trust Action Line Leader of EIT Digital. Privacy, Security and Trust Action Line Leader of EIT Digital. Renowned cryptanalyst and cryptographer. EIT Digital manages, through Innovation and Education action lines, about 80M€ yearly of EU funds for close-to-market IT innovation, research and education co-funding.

Rufo Guerreschi
Executive Director at Trustless Computing Association. Project Lead at the User Verified Social Telematics project and the Trustless Computing Initiative. Long-time activist for the promotion of democracy within and through the use of IT.

Romano Stasi
Managing Director of ABI Lab since 2003.
He has lead joint research project and awareness campiagn in the field of banking innovation, with an enphasis on security. Previously at CapGemini and Accenture.

Achim Klabunde
Head of Sector IT Policy at European Data Protection Supervisor. Formerly EU Commission Team Leader of Privacy and Trust in Electronic Communications.

Paul Nemitz
Director for Fundamental Rights and Union Citizenship in the EU Commission’s Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers.
He has held posts in the Legal Service of the European Commission, the Cabinet of the Commissioner for Development Cooperation and in other Directorates-General.

Roman Yampolskiy
World-renowned AI superintelligence safety expert and professor. Author of Artificial Superintelligence. Focused on AI Containment (isolation). Active in popular media channels.

Ulrich Seldeslachts
CEO of LSEC, a not for profit industry association focused on Information Security in Europe, based in Belgium and with operations in the Netherlands, UK and Germany.
LSEC is a European Cyber Security Cluster, bringing together over 235 Core Members, e.g. providers, technology developers, integrators, advisory and research groups.

Erik Duyck
An Electronics Engineer, with a specialization in ICT and he also holds an MBA. He joined EIT Digital, to leverage his 15 years of Corporate Experience, followed by 5 years of Start-up Experience. Specializations are Sales, Business Development & HR in Sectors like Automotive, Precision Instruments, Energy & Consumer Goods.

David Meyer
Berlin-based senior technology writer at Fortune.
Specialising in connected rights, privacy, policy, communications. Previously at Gigaom and POLITICO Europe. Has written for ZDNet, BBC, the Guardian.

Jennifer Baker - Moderator
Brussels-based Europe Correspondent at Arstecnica.com, leading IT security portal.
Jennifer Baker has been a journalist in print, radio and television for nearly 20 years, the last seven specialising in EU policy and legislation in the tech sector.
08.30 – Coffee Break for attendees and speakers
09.00 – Welcome and introduction by organizers. (Rufo Guerreschi)
09.10 – Intro Keynote to the 4 Challenges by Jovan Golic – “Cyberspace Jungle: Where We Are and What to Do“.
- If so, how? What standards, standard setting and certifications processes can enable users to reliably assess their actual trustworthiness? What scale of investments are needed? How likely is it that they would sustainably be legally allowed? (Backgrounder on Challenge A)
Moderators: Jennfier Baker (ArsTechnica)
Panellists: Diego Naranjo, Bart Preneel, Koen Maris, Renaud Sirdey, Jovan Golic, Achim Klabunde, Rufo Guerreschi.
09.30 – Intro: Intro to Challenge A by Rufo Guerreschi
09.40 – Flash Keynotes by panellists + QAs
10.00 – Panel
10.40 – QA with the audience.
10.50 – Keynote by Reinhard Posch, Chief Information Office of the Federal Republic of Austria “Prospects for upgrading IT security standards and certification to a fuller respect of the EU Charter and national constitutions, for citizens privacy, national soveriegnty and cyber-investigation integrity”.
11.10 – Coffee Break
- If so, how? What are the core paradigms of such certification processes? (Backgrounder on Challenge B)
Moderators: Jennifer Baker (ArsTechnica)
Debaters: Japp Hoepman, Reinhard Posch, Bart Preneel, Jovan Golic, Marit Hansen, Koen Maris, Achim Klabunde, Rufo Guerreschi, Diego Naranjo (video Message by Max Schrems)
11.25 – Intro: Intro to Challenge B by Rufo Guerreschi
11.35 – Flash Keynotes by panellists + QAs
11.55 – Panel
12.40 – QA with audience
13.00 – Light lunch break for attendees and speakers
14.00 – Keynote by Renaud Sirdey ““Towards new privacy-by-design services by means of practical fully homomorphic encryption” + 10-minute QA
14.45 – Keynote by Bart Preneel “Rethinking security architectures” + 10-minute QA
15.20 – Coffee Break
- Can ultra-high assurance ICT standards, applied to their most critical deterministic sub-systems, contribute substantially to AI safety? (Backgrounder or Challenge C)
15.35 – Intro to Challenge C by Rufo Guerreschi
15.45 – Keynote by Roman Yampolskiy (Skype video conf) + 10-minute QA
16.15 – Keynote by Stuart Armstrong (video message)
16.35 – Panel
Moderator: David Meyer (Fortune)
Panellists: Bart Preneel, Roman Yampolskiy, Rufo Guerreschi, Jaap-Henk Hoepman,
QA with audience
17.40 – Summary of the day by organizers.
17.45 – END of WORKS for DAY 1
21.00-22.30 – Dinner for panellists, speakers’ and special guests’
08.40 – Coffee Reception
09.10 – Intro to day 2 by the organizers
- What constituent processes can ensure a timely, effective and democratically efficient implementation – by a critical mass of actors – of meaningfully-enforceable EU or international treaties for ultra-high assurance IT standards setting and certification processes? (Backgrounder on Challenge D)
Moderator: David Meyer (Fortune)
Panelists: Reinhard Posch, Achim Klabunde, Marit Hansen, Rufo Guerreschi
11..00 – Coffee Break
11.15 – Keynote by Paul Nemitz “Incentives to invest in cybersecurity under the new data protection Regulation”
11..30 – Flash Keynotes + QAs by panellists.
- Startups, scaleups and large companies alike need ways to sustainably differentiate themselves in the market on the basis of the security of their offerings, but they are often unable to prove that to customers in the absence of comprehensive and reliable benchmarks. How can industry, citizen associations and public institutions work together to solve these issues?
Moderator: David Meyer (Fortune)
Panelists: Ulrich Seldeslachts, Erik Duyck, Raoul Chiesa, Jovan Golic, Rufo Guerreschi, Artur Pylak (video link)
12.40 – Keynote by Jan Albrecht (Member of the European Parliament and Vice-Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE).
13.00 – Light lunch break for attendees and speakers
14.00 – Keynote by Romani Stasi: “Challenges and hopes in the medium term for the integrity and confidentiality of e-banking offering”
- Recent breaches have highlighted the challenges of protecting against persistent and pervasive attacks that challenge at root the trust of banks. The confidentiality and integrity of banking e-service seems ultimately constrained by that of terribly vulnerable client-side devices. Cryptocurrencies have raised hopes but also many doubts. What are the opportunities of combining recent advances, like end-2-end encryption and blockchain, with and ultra-high assurance IT endpoint security?
Moderator: David Meyer (Fortune)
Panellists: Raoul Chiesa, Romano Stasi, Roberto Baldoni (health issue), Artur Pylak (health issue), Rufo Guerreschi.
15.30 – Keynote by Roman Yampolsky (via Skype) on “Long Term AI Safety” + 5 minute QA
- Submittal is open to all till Sept 18th. The two best proposals from audience will also be accepted for presentation.
Moderator: Jovan Golic
15.45 – Proposals Presentations:
- TBD + 5 minutes QA
- The Trustless Computing Certification Body by Rufo Guerreschi + 5 minutes QA
- Other TBD + 5 minutes QA
17.00: Open discussion
17.30 – Closing Statements by panellist and audience
21.00-22.30 – Dinner for panellists, speakers’ and special guests’

The Trustless Computing Association is a non-profit organization, based in Zurich, that has aggregated World-class partners and advisors to build open IT technologies, certifications and ecosystems that can deliver levels of trustworthiness that are radically higher than state-of-the-art.Together with its spin-off startup TRUSTLESS.AI – based in Zurich – the associaiton has been building (1) Trustless Computing Certification Body, a new IT security standards-setting, certification body, aimed at radically-unprecedented levels of trustworthiness, while at once solidly enabling legit lawful access and (2) building the Seevik Pod and Net, an initial open computing base, ecosystem and IT device, compliant to such new certifications.