President of VETRI Foundation. Former Global Chief Technology Officer Evangelist of CISCO. Renowned IT security and privacy expert and advocate.
Lead expert blockchain, quantum computing, cyberWarfare, exoWarfare. Entrepreneur in Residence at the Strategy & Rapid Innovation – KdoCIR – German Federal Armed Forces. Commanded to Cyber Innovation Hub (2017-2018) and Ministry of Defense (2018).
Executive Director at Trustless Computing Association. Project Lead at the User Verified Social Telematics project and the Trustless Computing Initiative. Long-time activist for the promotion of democracy within and through the use of IT.
Founder of, a free software distributed social network that runs on users’ devices with end-to-end encryption and anonymization. Formerly head of symlynX multicast, and tech lead at STERN magazine. Inventor of URL shortening and prototype content delivery networks. Contributor to IRC, XMPP. Main author of PSYC.
Founder & Managing Partner at Anchor Point. Formerly Senior Research Fellow at Brandenburg Institute for Society & Security. Technology writer, analyst & consultant. Formerly, tech reporter for the Wall Street Journal.
Cybersecurity, IoT, blockchain expert. Lead Architect of Asvin, an open source solution for a secure update of IoT edge devices. Since 2017, the technical consultant for Blackpin Secure Communication. Member of the Expert Group on Security in the Internet of Things at ENISA. Member of the IOTA Evangelist Network (IEN) since 2018.
(Unable to participate due to last-mimute personal issues)
Director at the BAAINB of the German Armed Forces (the Federal Office for Equipment, Information Technology and Use). Formerly Head of Information Superiority of the European Defence Agency. (2014-2016), and Assistant Director Research & Technology (2010-2013).
(Unable to participate due to urgent business)
Managing Director & Head of Cybersecurity at FTI Consulting. From 2015-2017 he was Director of Cyber-incident Response & Director of Cybersecurity Policy at the US National Security Council of President Barack Obama. Formerly Chief of Staff of the Cyber Division of the FBI (2014-2015).
CEO and Co-Founder of MADANA, which is a GDPR compliant platform for data analysis that uses Blockchain technology allowing participants to get in on the data market with their own data and simultaneously preserving their privacy by design. Before, Christian participated in various Blockchain projects as business development lead at the CryptoTec AG.
Technology Consultant, and Digital Civil Rights Researcher. Focusing on emerging technologies, bridging tech minority gaps, and data privacy and protection for underrepresented groups. Cyber Security Teacher at the ReDI School of Digital Integration and Event Co-Organizer with Google’s Women Techmakers Program.
Cybersecurity research fellow at Brandenburg Institute for Society & Security. Primarily focused on the EU-funded Horizon 2020 research project HERMENEUT. Previously digitalization and a domestic security research fellow to MP in the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf.
Chief Technology Officer and Head of Research at Adaptant Labs, managing research for cutting-edge cloud security systems. Co-founder and ex-Director of the Australian chapter of the Internet Society. Formerly he deployed military-grade encrypted mobile VoIP systems, emergency broadcast radio networks in Syria and Africa, and secure Enterprise WiFi systems.
CEO at techGDPR, an emerging consultancy for consulting in GDPR compliance, cybersecurity and risk management. VP marketing/sales Europe for DLT Labs, an established Toronto-based blockchain development house.
Co-founder & CEO at Statice which helps companies to leverage private customer data in a privacy-preserving manner by using synthetic data to foster a variety of collaborations with external data owners and data experts.
Legal and technical expert of privacy by design blockchain, GDPR. International speaker and author.
Free Software expert, activist, and lawyer. Freelance IP and free software license consultant. Formerly Network coordinator for a major NGO for the promotion of free software. Master in International and Comparative Law from Trento University.
Director at COSIC TU Leuven. President at International Association for Cryptologic Research. Arguably EU’s most peer-recognized IT security expert and researcher.
Vice-Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the EU Parliament. Member of the European Parliament and Vice-Chair of its Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE Committee). A Franco-German politician from the Alliance ’90/The Greens.
Chief Technology Officer (CIO) of the Federal Republic of Austria. Since 2001, he is Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the Federal Government of Austria responsible for strategic coordination of activities in the field of ICT including all levels of government. From 2007 to 2011 he was Chairman of the Management Board of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).
Research director at Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, the French DoE. Since 2010, he has been working on the development of a practical technology for computing over encrypted data grounded in homomorphic cryptography. Coordinating EIT Digital project HC@WORKS, a use case-driven project which aims at demonstrating the practical value of homomorphic cryptocomputing in a 1st round of real-world settings.
Chief Technology Officer at ATOS. A Security Expert with a unique combination of conceptual and technical competences. Previously Chief Security Officer at Telecom Luxembourg. ATOS is one of the top 5 EU IT security companies with 9bn€ revenue in 2015. He has 18 years of experience in the IT domain and for customers in various business sectors.
Data Protection Supervisor of the State of Schleswig-Holstein of the Federal Republic of Germany. Data Protection Supervisor of the State of Schleswig-Holstein of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Privacy Commissioner of Schleswig-Holstein, Marit Hansen, is head of ULD. ULD is responsible for both freedom of information as well as data protection at private and public sector entities seated in Schleswig-Holstein.
Associate professor at the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences of the Radboud University Nijmegen. Associate professor at the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences of the Radboud University Nijmegen. Director of the Privacy & Identity Lab. Member of the Digital Security group. Author of “The Second Crypto War Is Not about Crypto” and “Revocable Privacy: Principles, Use Cases, and Technologies“
Privacy, Security and Trust Action Line Leader of EIT Digital. Privacy, Security and Trust Action Line Leader of EIT Digital. Renowned cryptanalyst and cryptographer. EIT Digital manages, through Innovation and Education action lines, about 80M€ yearly of EU funds for close-to-market IT innovation, research and education co-funding.
Executive Director at Trustless Computing Association. Project Lead at the User Verified Social Telematics project and the Trustless Computing Initiative. Long-time activist for the promotion of democracy within and through the use of IT.
Managing Director of ABI Lab since 2003.
He has lead joint research project and awareness campiagn in the field of banking innovation, with an enphasis on security. Previously at CapGemini and Accenture.
Head of Sector IT Policy at European Data Protection Supervisor. Formerly EU Commission Team Leader of Privacy and Trust in Electronic Communications.
Director for Fundamental Rights and Union Citizenship in the EU Commission’s Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers.
He has held posts in the Legal Service of the European Commission, the Cabinet of the Commissioner for Development Cooperation and in other Directorates-General.
World-renowned AI superintelligence safety expert and professor. Author of Artificial Superintelligence. Focused on AI Containment (isolation). Active in popular media channels.
CEO of LSEC, a not for profit industry association focused on Information Security in Europe, based in Belgium and with operations in the Netherlands, UK and Germany.
LSEC is a European Cyber Security Cluster, bringing together over 235 Core Members, e.g. providers, technology developers, integrators, advisory and research groups.
An Electronics Engineer, with a specialization in ICT and he also holds an MBA.
He joined EIT Digital, to leverage his 15 years of Corporate Experience, followed by 5 years of Start-up Experience. Specializations are Sales, Business Development & HR in Sectors like Automotive, Precision Instruments, Energy & Consumer Goods.
Berlin-based senior technology writer at Fortune.
Specialising in connected rights, privacy, policy, communications. Previously at Gigaom and POLITICO Europe. Has written for ZDNet, BBC, the Guardian.
Brussels-based Europe Correspondent at, leading IT security portal.
Jennifer Baker has been a journalist in print, radio and television for nearly 20 years, the last seven specialising in EU policy and legislation in the tech sector.
UN Special Rapporteur on the Right of Privacy. Head of the Department of Information Policy & Governance at the Faculty of Media & Knowledge Sciences of the University of Malta. Chair of European Information Policy & Technology Law within the Faculty of Law at the University of Groningen.
Leading Austrian privacy activist. He initiated a lawsuit questioning the compliance of the Safe Harbor agreement between EU and US, which lead to its invalidation by the Court of Justice of the European Union. He proposes “sector-specific solutions” to resolve the Safe Harbor log jam, and beyond.
Co-chair of An Internet Safe and Secure Working Group of the Freedom Online Coalition. FOC is a group of 29 nations “committed to work together to support Internet freedom and protect fundamental human rights – free expression, association, assembly, and privacy online – worldwide“.
Executive Director, World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy (WFM-IGP). Convenor of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) since 1995 . Steering Committee Member of the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect (ICRtoP).
Vice President Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF). Co-author of the recent report on policies Unlocking Encryption:Information Security and the Rule of Law.
Director of the Center of Law and Security at New York Law School. Previously served as Policy Advisor in the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, and Special Assistant to the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Department of Defence.
World-renowned AI superintelligence safety expert and professor. Author of Artificial Superintelligence. Focused on AI Containment (isolation). Active in popular media channels.
World-renowned cryptographer, and pioneer of threshold cryptography. Fellow of the IACR. Jonsson Distinguished Professor at University of Texas at Dallas, USA and Chair of ICT at University College London, UK.
Founder of the Global Privacy as Innovation Network, that views privacy and data ethics as economic and social investments. Founders and member of the board Author of an an upcoming book, The Data Ethical Company.
Privacy, Security and Trust Action Line Leader of EIT Digital. Privacy, Security and Trust Action Line Leader of EIT Digital. Renowned cryptanalyst and cryptographer. EIT Digital manages, through Innovation and Education action lines, about 80M€ yearly of EU funds for close-to-market IT innovation, research and education co-funding.
Executive Director at Trustless Computing Association. Project Lead at the User Verified Social Telematics project and the Trustless Computing Initiative. Long-time activist for the promotion of democracy within and through the use of IT.
President of SERPRO. Main Brazilian IT public agency, delegated by President Roussef to develop state-surveillance-proof email systems for government officials.
CEO and Chief Scientist at KRYPTUS, holds a PhD on Cybersecurity, Coordinating member of Cybernetics Committee at the Brazilian Defense Industry. He worked in several security projects of strategical interest on Brazilian defense industry, including the National Anti-Malware Platform.
Privacy, Security and Trust Action Line Leader of EIT Digital. Privacy, Security and Trust Action Line Leader of EIT Digital. Renowned cryptanalyst and cryptographer. EIT Digital manages, through Innovation and Education action lines, about 80M€ yearly of EU funds for close-to-market IT innovation, research and education co-funding.
World renowned free software pioneer and evangelist. Founder of Linux International, board member of the USENIX association.
Liason Officer of the Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer of the Brazilian Army.
IT security and privacy expert, consultant and hacktivist.
Latin America manager of the Open Media Cluster. (TBD Senior Technical official) of the Cyber Defence Center of the Brazilian Army.
Board member at Electronic Frontier Foundation, Open Technology Institute and EPIC. Fellow at Harvard Law School. CTO at Resilient Systems. Arguably the world’s most-renowned and recognized IT security expert.
Director at COSIC TU Leuven. President at International Association for Cryptologic Research. Arguably EU’s most peer-recognized IT security expert and researcher.
President of the Free Software Foundation. Founder of the Free Software movement. Inventor of the Free/Open Source Software licenses. Creator of the GNU/Linux OS, basis a majority of mobile and server computing devices.
Executive Director of ECSEL JU, the largest EU R&D public funding program for microelectronics, with projects exceeding 150M€ per year.
President of SERPRO. Main Brazilian IT public agency, delegated by President Roussef to develop state-surveillance-proof email systems for government officials.
Privacy, Security and Trust Action Line Leader of EIT Digital. Privacy, Security and Trust Action Line Leader of EIT Digital. Renowned cryptanalyst and cryptographer. EIT Digital manages, through Innovation and Education action lines, about 80M€ yearly of EU funds for close-to-market IT innovation, research and education co-funding.
Executive Director at Trustless Computing Association. Project Lead at the User Verified Social Telematicsproject and the Trustless Computing Initiative. Long-time activist for the promotion of democracy within and through the use of IT.
A pioneer of threshold cryptography. Fellow of the IACR. Jonsson Distinguished Professor at University of University of Texasat Dallas, USA and Chair of ICT at University College London, UK.
Chair at Deutsche Telekom Chair of Multilateral Security at Goethe Univeristy; Privacy, Security & Civilisation AoI leader at EU NIS Platform. Member at ENISA Permanent Stakeholder Group.
CapGeminiCyberSecurity Consulting. Co-author of the “Mass Surveillance Part 2 – Technology foresight, options for longer-term security and privacy improvements” commissioned in 2014 by EU Parl STOA.
Senior Policy Analysts at EU Parliament Science and Technology Options Assessment unit (STOA) and the EU Parliament LIBE Committee Secretariat.
Swiss-based attorney at corporate and tech boutique firm Id Est Avocats, specialized in open innovation, data privacy and security, free and open source licenses, and “crypto law”.
CEO of GSMK Cryptophone, mobile end-to-end encryption and mobile device security pioneer. GSMK makes the only cryptophone whose SW stack is publicly verifieable withouth NDA.
Senior Policy Analysts at EU Parliament Science and Technology Options Assessment unit (STOA) and the EU Parliament LIBE Committee Secretariat.
World-renowned AI superintelligence safety expert and professor. Author of Artificial Superintelligence. Focused on AI Containment (isolation). Active in popular media channels.
Senior Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Martin School, Oxford University, and a researcher and Internal Advisor to the Future of Humanity Institute (FHI), led by Prof. Nick Bostrom. A pioneer of nanotechnology. Member of FHI’s Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology.
A widely recognized IT cracker, hacker and IT security expert. President of Security Brokers. Formerly consultant and advisor to ENISA, Nato, Italian MoD,UNICRI.
As Dir. of the Singularity Weblog he conducted over 160 interviews with the world’s best known AI experts. Graduate in economics, philosophy, and Singularity University. Has written over 800 articles and papers on the subject.
CEO of KRYPTUS. President of the Brazilian Defense Industry Association. Cofounder of the Trustless Computing Association.
Roberto Gallo has a Ph.D. degree in cyber security, and is an H2 member. He has been working in the Information Security Industry for more than 18 years focusing on raising the bar on behalf of his customers. Leading a unique team at KRYPTUS as CEO and Chief Scientist, he has had the privilege to help his clients to stay protected and anticipate countermeasures for the future, advanced threats. As coordinator of the Cybernetics Committee at the Brazilian Defense Industry Association, he aims to transform the Brazilian Industry and Stakeholders into world class players. His personal skills and interests include entrepreneurship, business development, defense, awareness building, risk analysis, hardening, system engineering, complex system integration, architectural vulnerability analysis, and cryptography. Some of his information security projects include the development of the hardware security architecture of the Brazilian voting machines (T-DRE, Urna Eletrônica), with more than 400.000 devices manufactured, the development of the ASI-HSM, the HSM of the Brazilian PKI-root CA and the sole device with the highest Brazilian certification level (NSF2-NSH3, FIPS 140-2 Level 4 compatible), and the development of the first Secure Microprocessor of the south hemisphere, the SCuP, iv) LinkBR2, a secure airborne datalink solution.
Cybersecurity Specialist at ELECTROSUISSE. Author of the Electrosuisse study “Cybersecurity in small and medium-sized power utilities”.
Levente J. Dobszay is a cybersecurity specialist at Electrosuisse, the Professional Association for Electrical Engineering, Power and Information Technologies and the Swiss non-governmental standardization body for electrical engineering. He accompanies industrial SMEs on the subject of cybersecurity and gives cybersecurity courses. As a computer science engineer with an Executive Master in General Management, he has more than thirty years of professional experience in various IT functions and disciplines in industry, banking and public administration, both on the provider and the customer side. He is the author of the Electrosuisse study “Cybersecurity in small and medium sized power utilities” and a speaker at conferences.
Managing Director at DIGITAL SWITZERLAND. Swiss Business Angel of the Year 2018.
studied Physics at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. After several years in management consulting and young startups, he then went on to co-found MOVU, of which he still is Chairman. Movu has been acquired through a Swiss insurance Group in 2017. Since October 2016, Nicolas Bürer is Managing Director at digitalswitzerland. Nicolas is one of the 100 “2019 Who is Who” and „2018 Who is Who“ of the Swiss Economy and has been awarded as 2018 „Swiss Business Angel of the Year“. He is a passionate entrepreneur and startup investor.
Managing Director Cyber Defence Services Accenture EMEA & President Cyber Security Commission of ICT Switzerland
Uwe Kissmann – a Swiss national – heads the Cyber Security Business of Accenture in the EALA (Europe, Africa & Latin America) region. He is charged with the positioning and the provision of professional cyber security services & solutions in almost all aspects of Information- and Cyber Security to Accentures clients in that region.
President of the Information Security Professional Association, the largest in Switzerland. Principal Cyber Security Consultant at InfoGuard. Former Head Security Governance at SIX Group.
President of the Information Security Society Switzerland, the largest in Switzerland. Principal Cyber Security Consultant at InfoGuard. Former Head Security Governance at SIX Group. Member of the Cybersecurity Advisory Board of SATW (Swiss Academy for Engineering Sciences)
Umberto Annino holds an advanced federal diploma of higher education in ICT-Security and MIS/ICT. He has been working in ICT since 1992 and has experience in application and system development, project management and information security management & security consulting.
Vice President of Security Architecture of Credit Suisse. Security Expert with over 15 years of experience. He started his caree as a specialist in Smart Card Security and Side Channel attacks and subsequenttly worked on topics such as cyber risk management, development of the security strategies and taget reference architectures driving strategic investment decisions. Holds a Phd in Electrical engineering with a focus on embedded systems security. Holds CISSP, CCSP, CISA certifications. Has worked in Germany, Switzerland, UK, USA and Japan, in large and small corporate environment and in the banking sector for the last ten years.
Head of Strategy & Business Development at TRUSTLESS.AI. Former Group Chief of Endpoint Security at HSBC Bank. (Via Video Conference)
Innovator and technology evangelist, a cybersecurity expert with over 25 years banking experience. Currently head of Strategy & Business Development at TRUSTLESS.AI and CISO at Cybersec Innovation Partners. Formerly Global Head of Endpoint Security at HSBC – the World 2nd largest non-Chinese bank – responsible for Endpoint (all platforms), Cloud and Virtualisation security and strategy globally. Savings of $3M per year by strategically reducing endpoint agent bloat. $4M reduction in support costs reducing service failures by 25%. SME for security solutions such as Crowdstrike, Menlo and Tanium, helping to shape and improve the products working closely with their development teams.
Founder & CEO of In The Cyber Group, cybersecurity group owning of Memento Labs (formerly Hacking Team). Chairman of the Cyber Warfare Conference.
Experienced Chairman with a demonstrated history of working in the computer and network security industry. Skilled in Business Planning, Advanced Cyber Security, Sales Management, Public Speaking, and IT strategy. strong entrepreneurship professional with an electronic engineer focused on company management from Politecnico di Milano.
President of VETRI Foundation. Former Global Chief Technology Officer Evangelist of CISCO.
Monique spent 16 years at Cisco, where she became the company’s first Services CTO and spearheaded Cisco’s transition to services as the core piece of their offerings portfolio. After leaving Cisco, she founded The Humanized Internet, a non-profit organization with a mission to provide persistent, secure, global intelligent digital identity to the world’s population. Monique has several patents to her name, amongst them “Cloud Framework for Multi-Cloud Extension” and “Deep Learning Bias Detection in Text”. She is also recognized as one of the most influential technology leaders worldwide. Monique has earned honours that include Top 100 CIOs for 2016 (, Top Women in Cloud Innovations Award 2016 (CloudNow), Top 10 Influential IT Women in Europe (Think Progress), 2015 Women of M2M/IoT (Connected World Magazine), and 2014 GEM-TECH Award (ITU and UN). Monique initially joined VETRI as an advisor. Upon the establishment of the VETRI Foundation, she took up the mandate as president of the foundation and in this role provides valuable guidance on strategy and governance.
Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Advanced Cyber Security of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences. CEO of Doerig + Partners.
Chairman for Advisory Board of Advanced Cyber Security of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences. He is also founder and Managing Partner of “Doerig + Partner Ltd”, Management consulting with a focus to solutions in Information Security, Cyber security and Risk Management, Governance & Compliance. After having completed his studies in mechanical engineering and a post graduate in Computer Science and System Engineering, he gained a large amount of leadership and consulting experiences in international business and ICT projects as a Partner in Big 4 Audit and Consulting firms. He worked mostly in the Finance, Pharma, Telecom and High tech Industry. Mr. Dörig is a frequent guest speaker at Business, ICT and Risk Management related events. He acts as an expert in the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences and he is an advisory board member of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Lucerne.
Chairman of Horasis. Former Head of Department of Bosch. Former Director at World Economic Forum.
Chairman of Horasis – a global visions community dedicated to inspiring our future. Horasis is using its unrivaled history of partnership with corporations from emerging markets to create a powerful platform for cooperation between emerging and developed markets. The flagship events are the Horasis Global Meeting as well as regional summits focusing on China, India, and Southeast Asia. Prior to founding Horasis, Dr. Richter was a Director of the World Economic Forum. He was Former Head of Department at Bosch. He has developed extensive experience and knowledge on the world’s economic, business and political scene and of its key players. As one of the leading analysts of international business, he influences major business and governmental decisions with his public commentary. . He also lived, studied and worked in Asia for almost a decade, principally in Tokyo and in Beijing where he developed and managed European Multinationals’ China operations
Executive Director of the Trustless Computing Association. CEO of its spin-off TRUSTLESS.AI. Founder of the Free and Safe in Cyberspace conference series.
Executive Director of the Trustless Computing Association. CEO of TRUSTLESS.AI . Founder of the Free and Safe in Cyberspace conference series. IT security entrepreneur, expert and activist with 20 years of experience. Founded and exited e-democracy startup Participatory Technologies. At 4thpass, acquired by Motorola, he sold +$10M java mobile app stores, including to Telefonica. Founder of the Trustless Computing Association. Launched the Free and Safe in Cyberspace event series.As CEO at Open Media Park, he brought the valuation of the planned EU’s 2nd largest IT/media park from €3m to €21m.
Director of the Network Security Group at ETH Zurich – Department of Computer Science.. Founder of the SCION Project.
Adrian Perrig is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science at ETH Zürich, Switzerland, where he leads the network security group. He is also a Distinguished Fellow at CyLab. From 2002 to 2012, he was a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering and Public Policy, and Computer Science (courtesy) at Carnegie Mellon University, becoming Full Professor in 2009. From 2007 to 2012, he served as the technical director for Carnegie Mellon’s Cybersecurity Laboratory (CyLab). He earned his MS and PhD degrees in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University, and spent three years during his PhD at the University of California at Berkeley. He received his BSc degree in Computer Engineering from EPFL. Adrian’s research revolves around building secure systems — in particular his group is working on the SCION secure Internet architecture.
Former Chief Information Security Officer and Head of Information Security Services of UNISYS. Senior Advisor at TRUSTLESS.AI.
Dr. Gerhard Knecht is the Head of the Global Unisys vertical business unit for Security Services, and current advisor for Trustless Computing Association as well as their startup spinoff, TRUSTLESS.AI. He is in charge of over 160 staff in 8 Security Operations Centers (SOC) and global operations. He is Globally responsible for portfolio development, sales and pre-sales support, implementation and service delivery. As an enterprise services CISO, Dr. Knecht is solely responsible for Information Security in all Unisys Data Centers and Service Centers around the globe, reporting to the head of Global Service Delivery. He also invented and implemented the Unisys Security Implementation Methodology (UniSIM) and all its constituent parts, such as BeATo (Benchmark Assessment Tool) for Capability Maturity Assessments, as well as designing and developing the National Information Security Framework of Portugal. He was voted by SC Magazine and (ISC)2 one of the top 10 Influential Security Professionals in the UK, and holds a PhD in computer science from Innsbruck University, Austria, as well as sever other certifications and diplomas from various institutions.
Head of the Cybersecurity Division at the UN International Telecommunication Union.
Marco Obiso is the Head of Cyber Security and ICT applications division at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the lead UN-specialized agency for ICTs and has been working in the field of Information and Communication Technologies for the past two decades. He has been operating in several ICT related domains such as network infrastructure development, system integration, application cooperation, IT Service Management, Internet governance and information security. He is currently facilitating the work of ITU in elaborating cyber security strategies and implementing programs and initiatives as well as leading the ITU’s efforts on enabling the use of ICT applications, for the benefit of ITU Member States, including providing technical assistance in establishing capabilities and working to strengthen coordination and cooperation within the UN system.
Group Head of Security and Organisation at SYZ Group, a leading Swiss wealth management firm.
Mathematics is my passion. I decided to apply them to information systems. After having climbed all the steps of the IT security professions, I am leading today a department with a very large scope in a successful bank. Eldo Mabiala is Head of Security and Organisation at SYZ Group, a financial institution active in Wealth Management, Asset Management and Private Equity in Switzerland and in several other countries. He is responsible for Cybersecurity, Information security, IT Risk Management, Business Continuity and security aspects of all strategic projects of the Group. Data protection is considered a key topic directly tied to service quality characteristic of SYZ Group. Therefore, Mr. Mabiala is involved in several initiatives driven by management, business or operations. He has been part of several working groups to prepare the regulation changes forecasted by the Swiss Financial Authority. Eldo has a particular interest in Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Communications and Identity Management. Furthermore, he can count on several years’ experience in IT risk Management within Wealth Management institutions in Switzerland and abroad. He holds a Master degree in Applied and Mathematics and a Master degree in Communication systems, as well several diplomas and technical certifications.
VP Software Research & Technologies for Thales Group. Lead of RISC-V-based SW ecosystem research.
Bertrand Tavernier is VP Software Research & Technologies for Thales Group. He manages global software R&T strategy and lead software architects network between the six Thales GBUs (Global Business Unit) and the five Thales Research & Technology centers. Prior, he held several positions related to safety critical embedded software as Safran Electronics workbench chief engineer from 2011 to 2015.
Tony Zeiger is the Founder and Chief Investment Officer of PeakView Private Investment Office in Geneva, a privately-owned, independent firm that acts as the in-house investment partner for a select number of UHNW client relationships. With over 25 years’ experience in private client investment management, he has led some of the largest investment advisory teams at leading international private banks within Europe, having overseen the management of over $15 billion of client assets from over 60 countries. Previously he was the Head of Investment Advisory (Geneva) for UBS, the Head of Middle East & Africa Investment Advisory (Europe) for Deutsche Bank, Head of Investment Group (Geneva) for National Bank of Abu Dhabi and Head of Investment Advisory (London) for Barclays Private Bank. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst, and holds Bachelor of Business (Management) majoring in Economics and Marketing from the Queensland University of Technology.”
Managing Director of the Fusion startup accelerator and Polytech Ventures Holding.
Managing Partner of Polytech Ventures, Laurent has over 10 years of private equity investment experience, including an operational role in VC funded companies and was also an early stage investor. Former personal assistant of Mr. Armand Lombard, Private Banker, Laurent had managed a biotech start-up before joining Bisange, an investment consulting company. In parallel, he directly supported the launch of several start-ups, and was part of a European private investors circle. In 2006, he joined a family office based in Switzerland as Head of Private equity. He was in charge of all the PE activities and managed investments across Europe in several industries as e-gaming, financial services and real estate. Laurent holds a masters degree in international relation (IUHEI) & an Executive Master’s Degree in Technology Management (eMBA in MoT, EPFL).
Former Chief Information Security Officer and Head of Information Security Services of UNISYS. Senior Advisor at TRUSTLESS.AI
Jean-Marc Rickli is the Lead Expert on global risks and resilience at the Geneva Center for Security Policy. He focuses on the impact and consequences of geopolitical risks as well as emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence on international affairs and international business. He was a former assistant professor in International Relations and International Security at the Department of Defense Studies at King’s College but based at the Qatar National Defense College. He then received a PhD from the University of Oxford and Berrow scholar from Lincoln College, Oxford. He has expert knowledge of international affairs, foreign policy analysis, geopolitics, political, strategic and global risk analysis as well as risks related to artificial intelligence. He also has extensive international experience in academic research and teaching (assistant professor level) undergraduate and post-graduate students, government officials and military officers in Austria, Belgium, China, Finland, Iceland, Qatar, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States. Jean-Marc is also a Consultant on strategies and policies regarding political risks for governments and the private sector. He is passionate about emerging technologies and the interactions between science, technology and society, and possesses expertise in fields like political analysis, risk analysis, small states’ security, business intelligence, strategic studies, security policy, defense policy, defense economics, diplomacy, foreign policy, international negotiations, energy security, artificial intelligence, social media and international security, terrorism, war and its impact on businesses, finance and international security, European security, Middle East and gulf security.
Director of the Department of Economic Development, Research and Innovation, Republic and State of Geneva.
Director of the Department of Economic Development, Directorate-General for Economic Development, Research and Innovation, Republic and State of Geneva. An Economic Development Officer since October 2013, Michael is in charge of Asian markets and covers the economic sectors of commodity trading and digital innovation. Previously, he coordinated the Geneva Host City of the 2008 UEFA European Football Championship for the Government of the State of Geneva.
Founder of Skype and Kazaa. Philantropist and founder of theAI safety centres Future of Life Institute and Centre for the Study of Existential Risk.
Jaan Tallinn (born 14 February 1972) is an Estonian computer programmer and investor known for his participation in the development of Skype in 2002 and FastTrack/Kazaa, a file-sharing application, in 2000. Jaan Tallinn is partner and co-founder of the development company Bluemoon which created the game SkyRoads.
James Martin Research Fellow at Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University.
Stuart Armstrong’s research at the Future of Humanity Institute centers on the safety and possibilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI), how to define the potential goals of AI and map humanity’s partially defined values into it, and the long term potential for intelligent life across the reachable universe. He has been working with people at FHI and other organizations, such as DeepMind, to formalize AI desiderata in general models so that AI designers can include these safety methods in their designs. His collaboration with DeepMind on “Interruptibility” has been mentioned in over 100 media articles. Stuart Armstrong’s past research interests include comparing existential risks in general, including their probability and their interactions, anthropic probability (how the fact that we exist affects our probability estimates around that key fact), decision theories that are stable under self-reflection and anthropic considerations, negotiation theory and how to deal with uncertainty about your own preferences, computational biochemistry, fast ligand screening, parabolic geometry, and his Oxford D. Phil. was on the holonomy of projective and conformal Cartan geometries.
Vice-President of eGovernment Systems at SICPA, global leader in anti-counterfeit technologies.
Phillipe Thévoz is the e-government systems vice president at SICPA, where he provides digital integrity solutions to government, administrations and public services. His overall aim is to accompany governments in their journey toward e-government, smart city and e-health, as well as to guide governments and public administrations in their digital & technological transformations. Phillipe also advises governments and public administrations in their adoption and integration of blockchain technology. Previously, he was senior engineering director at ESI Group for 5 years, as well as the founder and CEO of Calcom SA, where he worked for 11 years.
Co-Founder of Privacy by Blockchain Design. Former Senior Blockchain Architect at IBM Berlin. Advisor to TRUSTLESS.AI. Privacy researcher.
Christian Wirth is a computer scientist researching in the blockchain field since 2013. Previously, he worked as a Senior Blockchain Architect for IBM and published several papers in the field with Michael Kolain. Researching on Blockchain – Technology and it’s legal implications (German/European Law) since late 2013, I published articles about “Privacy by BlockChain Design: A BlockChain-enabled GDPR-compliant Approach for Handling Personal Data” and “MultiChain Governance” and have been invited to speak about this topic by Institutions like Fraunhofer FOCUS.
Managing Partner at the POINT5 Family Office, NGO advisor. Anti-corruption keynote speaker.
The Top 100 People in Finance for 2019 according to the Top 100 Magazine and a dual citizenship from Mexico and USA, Juan Carlos Lara is an alumnus of the Universidad Iberoamericana, Harvard University and the University of Barcelona with a pending thesis. In the 80s and 90’s he developed the Banamex-Citibank NYC office and managed its 2B+ securities portfolio, and the sales and trading areas. He also initiated LD Securities, a USA broker dealer in Texas to serve LATAM In the year 2000. Juan Carlos later moved to Switzerland in 2010 to work for UBS & HSBC and established POINT5 Family Office in 2015. Juan Carlos’s main focus is in ESG is because he believes that companies that have secular sustainability drivers create positive impact and will have higher earnings growth and valuations than those that do not adopt sustainability as a core tenet. He is a Swiss Alpine farmer traditions aficionado and has previously spoken at engagements like the V Private investment forum Worldwide at the Burj al Arab in Dubai, and the 3rd Switzerland Institutional Real Estate Investor Forum in Zurich.
Former Chief Information Security Office of the Judiciary of the Republic and Canton of Geneva. Formerly IT executive at luxury retailer Richemont.
Former Chief Information Security Office of the Judiciary of the Republic and Canton of Geneva. Formerly IT executive at luxury online reatiler Richemont. Working in IT for 20 years, Caroline has a strong experience of software implementation. She hold positions ranking from developer, in her early stage, till solution owner and CISO. Those allowed her to gain a clear understanding of IT solution design. Specifically, she’s interested in challenges raised by putting together business needs and IT constraints – most of those related to security, whether data integrity, reliability and access control.
Director of the EPFL Spring Lab Security and Privacy Engineering Laboratory in Lausanne.
Prior to EPFL, Carmela has been a Faculty member at the IMDEA Software Institute in Madrid, Spain; the Security and Privacy Technical Lead Engineer at Gradiant, and a post doctoral researcher at the COSIC group, lead by Prof. Bart Preneel. She received her PhD from KULeuven, Belgium, advised by Prof. Bart Preneel and Prof. Claudia Diaz. Today, she heads the SPRING Lab focused on Security and Privacy Engineering at EPFL, and is currently, working on machine learning in security and privacy, anonymous communications, location privacy and privacy engineering.
Director of the Swiss Cybersecurity Advisory and Research Group. Member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences.
Solange Ghernaouti is the director of the Swiss Cybersecurity Advisory and Research Group, professor of the University of Lausanne and president of the Foundation SGH (Social Good for Humanity). She is an internationally recognized expert, an active independent cybersecurity advisor, an influential analyst and a regular media commentator. She offers strategic and practical advice, targeted research, and detailed education in a variety of fields related to cyber-risks, cybersecurity, cybercrime, cyberdefence, cyberpower, and AI related issues. She is invited to the five continents to give talks and regularly intervene in UN Agencies, private and public organizations. Solange holds a PhD in computer science and telecommunications from Paris-Sorbonne University, and is a former auditor of the French Institute of Advanced Studies in National Defence. She has authored more than 300 publications and more than thirty books including “Cyberpower: Crime, Conflict, and Security in Cyberspace” (translated in China). Prof. Ghernaouti is Chevalier of the Legion d’Honneur, member of the Swiss commission for UNESCO, member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, and has been recognized several times by the Swiss press as one of the outstanding women in professional and academic circles. She is board member of The Global Initiative Against Transnational Crime (Maison de la Paix, Geneva) and associate fellow of the Geneva Center for Security Policy.
Long-term AI and IT security expert, author and professor. Director of the Cyber Security Lab. Author of “Artificial Superintelligence: a Futuristic Approach“
Dr Roman V. Yampolskiy is a Tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science at the Speed School of Engineering, University of Louisville. He is the founding and current director of the Cyber Security Lab and an author of many books including Artificial Superintelligence: a Futuristic Approach. During his tenure at UofL, Dr. Yampolskiy has been recognized as: Distinguished Teaching Professor, Professor of the Year, Faculty Favorite, Top 4 Faculty, Leader in Engineering Education, Top 10 of Online College Professor of the Year, and Outstanding Early Career in Education award winner among many other honours and distinctions. Yampolskiy is a Senior Member of IEEE and AGI, Member of Kentucky Academy of Science, and Research Advisor for MIRI and Associate of GCRI. Roman Yampolskiy holds a PhD degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo. He was a recipient of a four year NSF (National Science Foundation) IGERT (Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship) fellowship. Dr Yampolskiy’s main areas of interest are AI Safety, Artificial Intelligence, Behavioral Biometrics, Cybersecurity, Digital Forensics, Games, Genetic Algorithms, and Pattern Recognition. Dr Yampolskiy is an author of over 100 publications including multiple journal articles and books. His research has been cited by 1000+ scientists and profiled in popular magazines both American and foreign.
CEO and co-founder of ZENData Cybersecurity professional, researcher & evangelist. Columnist at Bilan.Keynote speaker.
With an EPFL master’s degree in cyber security & cryptography, Steven Meyer is also a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). After working at Microsoft, he was a cracker of passwords and expert consultant in computer security. Steven finally, in 2012, founded ZENData a company specialized in cyber-protection. He also runs the cyber-security section of Bilan magazine and makes numerous appearances in the media and at events to raise awareness about cyber-risks.
President of the World Citizen Foundation. Fellow at World Federalist Institute.
Polymath lover of science, languages, and history. Democracy engineer and democracy engineering theoretician. President of the World Citizen Foundation, president of the association for the School of democracy, Secretary general of For European democracy, environmental expert (former executive director of the International Network for Environmental Management), board member of the Eco-conseil, Institut européen de conseil en environnement. Graduate of Harvard University (Theoretical Physics) and Strasbourg University (Languages). Lecturer at Strasbourg University, Friedrich-Albert University in Freiburg (Germany), Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in Lörrach (Germany)
Senior Director of Engineering at, leading messaging and groupware for the financial sector.
Antoine Clerget has 15 to 20 years of experience as a CTO, technology leader and entrepreneur in Information Technologies, Internet, IT and networking. He has been involved in R&D, product management and innovation in networking, satellite communication, wan optimization, IP routing, mobile TV, SDN/NFV, standardization, and technical partnerships.
Forensic expert. Executive Advisor to the CEO and Advisory Board Member at High-Tech Bridge, Advisory Board Member and Cybersecurity Advocate at Mt Pelerin.
With over 20 years of experience in the Big 4 firms, Paul Wang advised corporations in Strategy, Investigation, Litigations, Infosec, Cybercrime, Risk and Compliance. Previously a partner of the Regional Head of Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services and Head of Forensic Technology & Discovery Services at EY Switzerland. Widely solicited as a lecturer at conferences and seminars, Paul hold a Masters of Science in Computer Science, certifications including CISA, CISSP, CISM, CRISC and a certificate from MIT Sloan School of Management in Blockchain Technologies.
President of the Empowerment Foundation in Lausanne, and Organizer of the Empowerment Summit, Leila Delarive began her career as a lawyer specialized in telecommunications, environmental and land use planning law. After more than 10 years of being a member of the Bar, Leila has become a committed entrepreneur. She has created several companies, including Be Curious TV, a citizen TV channel, and Amplify, a digital platform for amplifying messages with a positive social impact. Convinced that individual responsibility is crucial in the digital age, she is interested in tools that enable citizens to make enlightened decisions, to adapt and to benefit from the changes brought by technological evolution.
Founder and President of ICON NGO based in Geneva, Director of the R&D laboratory of cybersecurity of SecuLabs in Innovation Park – EPFL campus
Lennig Pedron is the founder and president of ICON NGO based in Geneva. She is an expert in human factors in cybersecurity and the director of the R&D laboratory of cybersecurity of SecuLabs in Innovation Park EPFL. She is also the founding member of the Swiss label Cyber Safe. Previously, Lennig Pedron worked last year at College d’été about responsible behaviors in cyberspace, and participated at a round table in Maison de la Paix on the 13th September, organised by the ICON NGO, with 25 stake holders (ONU, ITU, GCSP, DFAE, OFCOM, ISOC ICANN, UNI, civil society, industries such as Microsoft (Tech Accord) Airbus (Charter of Trust) meeting about the topic of how governance models can best maximize the trustworthiness and resilience of an ultra-high assurance IT and AI certification bodies in critical societal domains, as well as how to follow up from that. The followup focused on the Tech Accord, Charter of Trust, Call of Paris and on the Digital Geneva Convention. ICON NGO was one of those that signed the Call of Paris.
Italian Regional Councillor in Lazio Region. Formerly at IBM for 17 years. Expert in Digital democracy, IT security and blockchain. Submitted the 1st law proposal for Trustless Computing.
Davide Barillari is a Certified IT Senior Specialist who worked at IBM for 17 years. In 2013 Davide was the presidential candidate of the Lazio Region for the 5 Stars Movement, and today is elected in the Lazio Regional Council, as spokesman of the citizens. He is a member of the Commission of Health and Social Affair and President of the Commission for Media Pluralism. He is also President of the intergroup Digital Innovation in Public Administration, and is actually working on collective intelligence projects and e-democracy platforms. He is the writer of the first Italian law to introduce digital democracy, AI and blockchain in a regional institution.
Founder and CEO of Id Est Avocats, Swiss law firm specialized in digital privacy and open innovation.
Michel is the Founder of Id Est avocats, an award winning boutique law firm located in Switzerland focusing on delivering strategic and expert advice to successful startups, innovative companies and global brands in the fields of technology, media, intellectual property, privacy and cybersecurity. Michel is also a widely respected corporate law specialist and has acted with his team on some of the most significant rounds of financing, strategic investments, acquisitions and divestitures in the technology sector in recent years in Western Switzerland, including several exits to major US buyers. Michel graduated with honors from Lausanne University (J.D.’93, Ph.D.’96) and Columbia University (LL.M.’97, Fulbright Grantee and Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar). He has practiced law for more than 15 years in Switzerland and abroad in leading business law firms, including as head of practice. He is admitted to the Swiss and New York bars and worked in 2003-2004 in the IP/IT department of White & Case LLP in New York. He has been active in open source matters since 2005, and is a founding member of the International Free and Open Source Law Review (IFOSSLR) editorial committee. Michel was listed among the “300 most influential personalities” in Switzerland by Bilan Magazine and has received top rankings in tech | media | IT | IP and corporate | M&A by leading guides such as Chambers, Legal500 and Best Lawyers.
Co-founder of Wealth Mosaic, leader building connections world-wide between startups and wealth managers.
As a specialist analyst focused on broad aspects of the global wealth management sector, Stephen Wall helps support the business needs of both wealth managers and the sector’s diverse solution providers. Ultimately, he sees the sector moving towards a far greater level of partnership, cooperation, co-creation and co-development between the two fields. He responded to both the needs of both wealth managers and solution providers by building The Wealth Mosaic as a dedicated, accessible and curated resource for the business needs. Wall believes the wealth management sector needs support, there needs to be greater and easier access to focused and relevant knowledge resources and it needs to be simpler for wealth managers to discover the solution providers that can support their business needs.
Group Chief Information Security Officer at OVH. Formerly was Chief Information Security Officer of Societè Generale.
“Wouter ‘t Hoen obtained a Masters degree in International Law and European Law at Leiden University in the Netherlands, followed by a postdoc training in European Law at the prestigious College of Europe in Brussels, Belgium. During his career, he has been involved in questions concerning the protection of personal data from different angles: as Data Protection Officer, as legislative lawyer and in compliance roles, in the private sector, the national administration and in international organizations, from the perspective of the protection of the individual’s privacy as well as from a more explicitly investigative perspective. He participated in consultations with industry, representatives of law enforcement and security authorities on policies and legislation to define the proper limits to interference in the privacy rights of individuals, including the interception of electronic communications. As a professional in counterterrorism law he was seconded for two years to the European Commission in Brussels, where he contributed to the completion of counterterrorism legislation based on negotiations with Member States and the European Parliament, including the then-EU Framework Decision on Data Protection. Following his secondment in Brussels, he moved to T-Mobile Netherlands where he took up the position of Data Protection Officer. Nowadays he is fully engaged as lawyer within the Internal Justice System of the World Health Organization in Geneva, where the processing of sensitive personal data can trigger all kind of legal questions.”
Committee Member at CLUSIT, the Fédération des Entreprises Romandes FER Genève and the State of Geneva.
CLUSIS Committee Member As a conference speaker at the FIC 2019, Mr Tzanos has represented CLUSIS, the Fédération des Entreprises Romandes FER Genève and the State of Geneva. Advisor for Information Security and Regulatory Compliance, Emmanuel Tzanos also introduced the initiative towards the digitalization of the Swiss Franc and Regulated Crypto-portfolios. In the past Emmanuel has held positions in the financial sector, such as stockbroker, investment banking advisor, private banking compliance officer, financial products engineer. As for the Environment sector, Mr. Tzanos was among the first to monetize Voluntary Carbon Credits (VCS Standard) to save tropical forests (the lungs of the planet). For the geopolitical sector, he has been an advisor in strategic and sustainable economic development.
Senior Legal Expert in privacy and data protection law. Formerly at the Dutch Ministry of the Interior, the European Commission and T-Mobile Netherlands.
Wouter ‘t Hoen obtained a Masters degree in International Law and European Law at Leiden University in the Netherlands, followed by a postdoc training in European Law at the prestigious College of Europe in Brussels, Belgium. During his career, he has been involved in questions concerning the protection of personal data from different angles: as Data Protection Officer, as legislative lawyer and in compliance roles, in the private sector, the national administration and in international organizations, from the perspective of the protection of the individual’s privacy as well as from a more explicitly investigative perspective. He participated in consultations with industry, representatives of law enforcement and security authorities on policies and legislation to define the proper limits to interference in the privacy rights of individuals, including the interception of electronic communications. As a professional in counterterrorism law he was seconded for two years to the European Commission in Brussels, where he contributed to the completion of counterterrorism legislation based on negotiations with Member States and the European Parliament, including the then-EU Framework Decision on Data Protection. Following his secondment in Brussels, he moved to T-Mobile Netherlands where he took up the position of Data Protection Officer. Nowadays he is fully engaged as lawyer within the Internal Justice System of the World Health Organization in Geneva, where the processing of sensitive personal data can trigger all kind of legal questions.”
Professor of digital circuits and systems at ETH Zurich. Professor at Università di Bologna.
Luca Benini is Full Professor at the University of Bologna and he is the chair of digital Circuits and systems at ETHZ. He has served as Chief Architect for the Platform2012/STHORM project in STmicroelectronics, Grenoble, in the period 2009-2013. He has held visiting and consulting researcher positions at EPFL, IMEC, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, and Stanford University. Dr. Benini’s research interests are in energy-efficient system design and Multi-Core SoC design. He is also active in the area of energy-efficient smart sensors and sensor networks for biomedical and ambient intelligence applications. In these areas he has coordinated tens of funded projects, including an on-going ERC Advanced Grant on Multi-scale thermal management of Computing Systems. He has published more than 700 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences, four books and several book chapters (h-index=84 on Google Scholar). He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a member of the Academia Europaea and has served for two terms as a member of the steering board of the ARTEMISIA European Association on Advanced Research & Technology for Embedded Intelligence and Systems.
President of the Board Of Directors of the Crypto Valley Association. Former CEO of Swisscom Blockchain.
As president of the Crypto Valley Association, Daniel aspires to bring applied blockchain adoption to fruition, collaborating with an amazing team. He is also advisor to a few handpicked blockchain based projects. He assists organizations to envisage and translate business challenges into practical deployment of applications by providing motivation, guidance, and strategy to senior stakeholders and teams to realize digital strategies. Daniel started his professional career at Ernst & Young with over 20 years of proven technology enabled transformation delivery. His experience has given him excellent understanding of the opportunities and pitfalls offered by deploying new technology applications, allowing himself to help companies navigate FinTech investments successfully.
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Posch is member of many professional societies: IEEE, ACM, OCG (member of the board of the Austrian Computer Society), OGI (Oesterreichische Gesellschaft für Informatik), ACONET, OeMG (Oesterreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft), GME (Microelectronic society) etc. He was the Austrian representative in IFIP TC6 (Communication) as well as IFIP TC11 (Computer Security). Besides this, Reinhard Posch is member of the Working Group on security of payment systems with chip cards of the Austrian National Bank. He worked with the OECD group of experts on cryptography in preparing the OECD guidelines for cryptographic policies. At the national level, he was consulting the Federal Chancellery, the Ministry of the Interior and other public institutions on matters of security and cryptography. As the CIO for the Federal Government, Reinhard Posch is primarily involved in the strategic coordination of activities in the field of information and communications technology that concern more than one ministry. He specialized in ‘Applied Information Processing and Communications Technology’, and as Scientific Director of the Austrian Secure Information Technology Centre. The main efforts are computer security, cryptography, secure hard- and software, and eGovernment. He also helped Greece to recover from the economic crisis by working with the Reichenbach Group to assist implementing innovation in the Greek eGovernment. Reinhard was later awarded the Grand Decoration of Honour in Silver for Services to the Republic of Austria.
Head of Division “IT and Cyber Security in Critical Infrastructures and the Private Sector, Secure Information Technology” of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community.
Andreas Reisen has headed the department “Critical IT Infrastructures; secure information technology “in the Federal Ministry of the Interior. In addition to the protection of critical IT infrastructures, he is responsible for tackling questions in technology policy in the area of IT security (such as crypto policy and digitization), IT security certification and cooperation with the IT security industry – including the corresponding technical supervision of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) – to his area of responsibility. Prior to this, Andreas Reisen had already been in charge of several presentations in the BMI with different IT-political relevance since 2002. He began his professional career in the BSI (1993-1999) and then moved to the BMI. He is a graduate physicist and studied Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics at the RWTH Aachen University.
Experienced cybersecurity analyst and researcher, in the areas of critical infrastructure, nuclear terrorism, intl security, intersection of IT security policy and human rights/ethics. Analyst at AMIDA. Formerly NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense CoE.
Experienced cybersecurity analyst with a demonstrated history of working in industry, think tanks, and NGOs. Formerly NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense CoE. She is also interested in critical infrastructure and SCADA security, nuclear power, international security, IT security policy and the intersection of technology and human rights/ethics. Has a Master of Science (MSc) in Cybersecurity from Tallinn University of Technology and a B.A. in Chinese Language and Culture from Smith College.
Developing and leading innovation topics Deutsche Telekom and its partners including for blockchain. Also Vice President of DT Blockchain Group. Formerly, founder and COO of startup software firms in the Seattle area. Co-Founded and operated a start-up mobile software company that built a sophisticated web service platform delivering digital mobile content to mobile devices. Firm was sold in 2009 to Digby. Holds an MBA in Technology Management from the University of Washington.
CEO at Berlin-based Least Authority, a leading open source cloud service based on highly-audited open source and advanced cryptographic protocols. Formerly, senior program manager at the Open Technology Fund (2013-2015).
CEO at Berlin-based Least Authority, a leading open-source cloud service based on highly-audited open-source and advanced cryptographic protocols. Formerly, senior program manager at the Open Technology Fund. Prior to joining Least Authority, Liz was a Project Manager, Program Manager and Analyst on numerous tech development projects over her 16 years in both private companies and public organizations, including managing funding with the Open Technology Fund. She holds an M.S. in Management & Technology from Carlow University (2007) and B.S. in Digital Media from Drexel University (2001).
Lead expert blockchain, quantum computing, cyberWarfare, exoWarfare. Entrepreneur in Residence at the Strategy & Rapid Innovation – KdoCIR – German Federal Armed Forces. Commanded to Cyber Innovation Hub (2017-2018) and Ministry of Defense (2018).
Ackermann spent most of his professional career so far around Internet-centric start-ups, from being the first ISP in his hometown, starting his own start-up in Germany in the early days of the Internet, then moving to the US and Silicon Valley in 1994 for the disruptive Internet revolution, where he helped build several startup companies. Among those, he built the global infrastructure for the first animation of the Internet (ShockWave/Flash), deployed the first content mirror sites for Macromedia in London and Tokyo, built the first SuperPOP (free carrier choice) data center in the heart of Silicon Valley (Globix), built the infrastructure for the first multi-bank money transfer system through a web-based service (CashEdge), the first global bartering site with virtual currency (Bartertrust), as well as developed the first working defense against distributed Denial-of-Service (dDoS) attacks (Melior Inc CyberWarfare). Building on the CyberWarfare success, he invented and built AI-based ThreadStream Logic Gate Computing, enabling ExoWarfare technology (ExoWarfare Inc); early in the evolving Blockchain ledger technology, he designed and built industrial infrastructure and hardware to scale its applications into the future (Blockchain Industries, MetaBlockchains, Blockchain BGP, Blockwart). Thomas is currently developing uses for Quantum Computing in Blockchain (Quantum Blocks), as well as technology for conflict resolution in the 21st century (HyperWarfare).
Carlo is the founder of, a free software distributed social network that runs on users’ devices with end-to-end encryption and anonymization. Formerly head of symlynX multicast, & tech lead at STERN magazine. Inventor of URL shortening and prototype content delivery networks. Contributor to IRC, XMPP. Main author of PSYC. Former head of symlynX multicast systems. Participant in the Pirate movement and author of legislation proposals and expert in liquid democracy technology and digital social structures.
Founder & Managing Partner at Anchor Point, Head of Digital at FTI Consulting, Germany
Formerly Senior Research Fellow at Brandenburg Institute for Society & Security, Chase was a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, writing about technology and economics. He has also been an analyst for several German think tanks, specializing in cybersecurity and the challenges of digitalization for German companies. Chase was born in the US and studied international affairs and economics at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. After stints at Hering Schuppener and Axel Springer, Chase is now Head of Digital at FTI Consulting.
🚀 CEO of 🛡Cybersercurity Researcher & Member of ENISA IoT 🔑 Security Expert Group
Cybersecurity, IoT, blockchain expert. Lead Architect of Asvin, an open source solution for a secure update of IoT edge devices. Since 2017, the technical consultant for Blackpin Secure Communication. He also teaches mobile software development at Heilbronn University and is involved on several research activities for open standards and business models in the Internet of Things. He is also a member of the Expert Group on Security in the Internet of Things at ENISA. Member of the IOTA Evangelist Network (IEN) since 2018.
Director at the BAAINB of the German Armed Forces (the Federal Office for Equipment, Information Technology and Use). Formerly Head of Information Superiority of the European Defence Agency. (2014-2016), and Assistant Director Research & Technology (2010-2013).
Michael Sieber has a Diploma in Electrical Engineering. During his military and civil service in the German Armed Forces he assumed various responsibilities in operational, technical and international domains. This included munitions, vehicles, robotics, communications, modelling & simulation, radio frequency/electro-optical sensors, reconnaissance technology, electronic warfare. He led larger international projects with the US, Singapore and Chile. During his assignments abroad he worked with NATO in The Hague (Netherlands), and the Canadian Department of National Defence in Ottawa. In the German Ministry of Defence he was Senior International Armaments Affairs Officer, before he joined the European Defence Agency (EDA) as Assistant Research & Technology Director in 2010. Within the new EDA structure effective from 2014 he assumed the position as Head of the Information Superiority Unit.
Global Head of Cyber Security & Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting
Anthony Ferrante has more than 15 years of top‐level cybersecurity experience, providing incident response and preparedness planning to more than 1,000 private sector and government organizations, including more than 175 Fortune 500 companies and 70 Fortune 100 companies. He maintains first‐hand operational knowledge of more than 60 criminal and national security cyber threat sets, and extensive practical expertise researching, designing, developing and hacking complex technical applications and hardware systems. Prior to joining FTI Consulting, Mr. Ferrante served as Director for Cyber Incident Response at the U.S. National Security Council at the White House where he coordinated U.S. response to unfolding domestic and international cybersecurity crises and issues. Building on his extensive cybersecurity and incident response experience, he led the development and implementation of Presidential Policy Directive 41 – United States Cyber Incident Coordination, the federal government’s national policy guiding cyber incident response efforts. Before joining the National Security Council, Mr. Ferrante was Chief of Staff of the FBI’s Cyber Division. He joined the FBI as a special agent in 2005, assigned to the FBI’s New York Field Office. In 2006, Mr. Ferrante was selected as a member of the FBI’s Cyber Action Team, a fly-team of experts who deploy globally to respond to the most critical cyber incidents on behalf of the U.S. Government. Mr. Ferrante previously served as an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Fordham University’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, where he served as the founder and co-director of the Master’s of Science in Cybersecurity program in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. During his time at Fordham University, he served as the co-director of the undergraduate and graduate Cybersecurity research programs.
Christian is CEO and co-founder of the German blockchain start-up MADANA, which is a GDPR compliant platform for data analysis that uses Blockchain technology allowing participants to get in on the data market with their own data and simultaneously preserving their privacy by design. Before, Christian participated in various Blockchain projects as business development lead at the CryptoTec AG. His crypto career began in 2013 with his first Bitcoins during his Finance and Entrepreneurship studies. In 2013, he co-founded the Bitcoin Aachen meetup and was involved in the founding process of Lisk. Christian participated in various blockchain projects such as Business Development Lead at CryptoTec AG. Besides leading MADANA, Christian speaks at many conferences around the world and is adviser of various institutions in Germany.
Lisa Trujillo is a Technologist with software engineering, technical delivery, and research experience for numerous innovations agencies, research networks, development cooperation organizations and social impact enterprises. She is a technology consultant, and Digital Civil Rights Researcher, focusing on emerging technologies, bridging tech minority gaps, and data privacy and protection for underrepresented groups. She is an Event Co-Organizer with Google’s Women Techmakers Program, and her main focus areas include: privacy, data protection and security, GDPR implementation, emerging technologies, digital literacy, youth migration and digital education development.
Alexander Szanto Primarily focused on the EU-funded Horizon 2020 research project HERMENEUT. He was previously with digitalization and domestic security research fellow to MP in the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf. Alexander studied European Studies at the University of Maastricht and as part of his studies he spent a semester abroad at the Sciences Po in Paris with a focus on International Relations. He subsequently earned a Master’s degree in Intelligence and International Security, concentrating in Cybersecurity and Political Developments in the Middle East post-1945 in the War Studies Department of King’s College in London.
Chief Information Security Officer at MICT – Media in Cooperation and Transition
Chief Technology Officer and Head of Research at Adaptant Labs, managing research for cutting-edge cloud security systems. Co-founder and ex-Director of the Australian chapter of the Internet Society. Formerly he deployed military-grade encrypted mobile VoIP systems, emergency broadcast radio networks in Syria and Africa, and secure Enterprise WiFi systems. Adam is a passionate Internet technologist, pioneer and advocate, with over 25 years of experience in the human centered “full stack” of digital communications. He was technical manager of Australia’s first national ISP (member of the Association of Progressive Communications) specialising in facilitating human rights, NGOs and social change groups’ online communications needs. Adam worked in health and justice sectors, bringing emerging standard practices of information security and risk management to the handling of data vital to human and social well-being. He has co-founded and was a director of the Australian chapter of the Internet Society. Adam founded Europe’s earliest community wireless network, holding workshops for people to share expertise to establish, manage and own their own open access networks.
Verbin is a computer scientist and lead scientist and founding partner of Berlin Innovation Ventures, a Berlin VC founded solely by R&D experts, investing into ventures in blockchain, zero knowledge and machine learning. As a theoretical data and computer scientist, Elad has been following blockchain technology since the 80’s, and he leans on the humanities and other disciplines to shape its future. He is keenly aware of the high hopes associated with the rise of the decentralized web and passionate about finding ways to protect the democratizing potential of crypto economics. In order to “design cryptoeconomic systems of long-term utility, viability, and success,” he argues that “experts in actual human economic behavior, such as public policy experts, behavioral economists, and social scientists need to be included into the design process.” Elad holds a postdoc degree from the Computer Science Department of Aarhus University, and completed his Ph.D with Haim Kaplan at Tel Aviv University.
Silvan Jongerius is the Managing Partner of TechGDPR, a boutique consultancy for Data Protection and Privacy in tech-centric environments, such as Blockchain, AI and IoT. He has led data protection and security efforts since 2012, has spend over 12 years in senior technology leadership, general management and innovation for large technology educators, and has focussed on Blockchain projects during the last years. He holds certifications from the Columbia Business School in Digital Strategies for Business, from the IAPP as Certified Information Privacy Professional (Europe/GDPR) and is TÜV certified Data Protection Officer (Datenschutzbeauftragter). He is a regular speaker and educator in GDPR, blockchain, innovation and technology and is mentor or advisor for a number of technology, innovation and blockchain projects.
PhD in Technology with Masters of Science Research Methods at Capitol Technology University. Researcher. Student
Researcher in Strategy, Systems Thinking, Knowledge Engineering, Industrial Cybersecurity, An acknowledged multi-lingual, multi-cultural thought leader, Ludmila Morozova-Buss established her foundational economics, finance, and business strategy knowledge and experience through myriad assignments in the United States and Asia as well as in Europe. With a clear grasp of systems theory and revelation of pervasive, persistent, and resilient interconnectedness, Mrs. Morozova-Buss was uniquely qualified as lead moderator and facilitator of Global #MegaTrends Roundtable – a select gathering of Industry Leaders across industries ranging from protégées through mentors across all professions while emphasizing the common connectedness of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
Sebastian Weyer is the Co-founder & CEO at Statice which helps companies to leverage private customer data in a privacy-preserving manner by using synthetic data to foster a variety of collaborations with external data owners and data experts.
Jörn Erbguth is a consultant on blockchain, smart contracts and data protection. He is researching governance of blockchains and smart contracts at the University of Geneva. He is lecturing at the Geneva School of Diplomacy, University of Geneva and University of Lucerne. Jörn Erbguth is a member of the Focus Group on DLT at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and board member of the EDV-Gerichtstag, and holds diplomas in computer science and law.
Nicola Feltrin is a Free Software expert, activist, lawyer, and freelance IP and free software license consultant. Formerly Network coordinator for a major NGO for the promotion of free software. He has a Masters in International and Comparative Law from Trento University.
Bart Preneel is the Director at COSIC TU Leuven, and the president at International Association for Cryptologic Research. He received the Electrical Engineering degree and the Doctorate in Applied Sciences from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). He is currently full professor (gewoon hoogleraar) at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. He has been visiting professors at the Technical University of Denmark (2007), Graz University of Technology in Austria (1997-2006), the University of Bergen in Norway (1997-2001), Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum in Germany (2001-2002) and at the University of Ghent (1994-2002). He is a scientific advisor of Philips Research (the Netherlands). During the academic year 1993-1994, he was a research fellow of the EECS Department of the University of California at Berkeley. His main research interests are cryptology and information security. He has authored and co-authored more than 200 scientific publications and is inventor of two patents. He was president of the IACR (International Association for Cryptologic Research) and he is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Cryptology, the IEEE Transactions on Information Foresnsics and Security, and the International Journal of Information and Computer Security. He is also a Member of the Accreditation Board of the Computer and Communications Security Reviews (ANBAR, UK). He has participated to more than 20 research projects sponsored by the European Commission, for four of these as project manager. He is currently project manager of the European Network of Excellence ECRYPT, which groups more than 250 researchers in the area of cryptology and watermarking
Vice-Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the EU Parliament.
Albrecht studied law in Bremen, Brussels and Berlin and worked for the Walter Hallstein Institute for European Constitutional Law in Berlin. He graduated in information and communications technology law from the Universities of Hanover and Oslo. He was also a spokesman of the Green Youth in Germany from 2006 to 2008. He joined the German Green Party in 1999 and held various posts at local, regional and federal level. He led working groups and pressed political campaigns especially in the fields of civil liberties, legal affairs and constitutional issues. Albrecht became an anti-nuclear activist very early in his career, prompted by the problems with a nuclear waste storage facility in his home town, and has taken part in demonstrations against the transport of nuclear waste in his region. He later explained that these experiences provoked his commitment to civil liberties and democracy, in particular with regards to new technologies[citation needed]. His commitment to data protection and other issues of civil rights in the digital age have become a defining point in his political career. In March 2018, Albrecht was elected as the successor of Deputy Minister-President of Schleswig-Holstein, Robert Habeck, who concurrently holds the position of chairman of the Green Party. Albrecht will not assume office before late 2018. In this capacity, he will also serve as State Minister for Energy, Agriculture, Environment and Digitization in the government of Minister-President Daniel Günther. To some, he was even hailed the “King of Data Protection.“
Renaud Sirdey is a Research Director at Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA), the French DoE. His main research interests include applied cryptography, compilation, parallelism and discrete optimization. Prior to his current responsibilities, after spending around 10 years as a system architect in the telecom industry, he most notably led the research team which designed a complete industry-grade dataflow compiler for the 256 cores MPPA architecture as well as served as head of the Embedded Real Time & Security Lab. As early as the end of 2010, while leading a CEA internal research project on cloud computing security, Renaud started to work on compilation and RTE for building a practical homomorphic encryption-based cryptocomputing technology. At present, he is mainly working towards the development of this technology through the leadership or contribution to several R&D projects on that topic and which have recently lead to the release of the open-source Cingulata FHE compiler. Since 2015-16, my activities in cryptography have also started to broaden beyond FHE including work on implementation security as well as as lightweight symmetric encryption. On the more academic side, I am the author or co-author of over 50 refereed research papers, several popular science papers, as well as more than 10 patents. Specialties: applied cryptography; compilation; parallel computing; combinatoric optimization; graph theory; dependability engineering; software engineering; statistics.
Koen Maris is Chief Technology Officer in the field of cyber security for ATOS in the region of the BeNeLux and the Nordics. Together with his team he scouts for new technologies and how to embed them into new services for the organization to serve their customers. He is recognized as a distinguished expert in the organization. He started his IT career as a software developer. This experience provided solid background in complex environments and a basis in the rollout of challenging IT projects. After a few years, he swapped development for ethical hacking because of a natural curiosity to flaws in systems. This was the start of technical career in IT security, however due to rise of security problems his career evolved from ethical hacking to security solutions integration and eventually to the more managerial side of security. He has been CISO and security officer preceding his current role (since 2015) as a Chief Technology Officer at Atos. He advises large organizations in a multi-industry environment to think on a long-term basis on Cyber Security and addresses complex security topics in layman terms for board of directors and executive committees. Koen Maris serves as a trusted advisor for many organizations and is becoming a known speaker that challenges his audience and questions current applied security models.
Data Protection Supervisor of the State of Schleswig-Holstein of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Marit Hansen is a German computer scientist and privacy expert. Since 2015 she has been the Data Protection Officer of Schleswig-Holstein. Her work focuses on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET) , Identity Management, Anonymity, Pseudonymity, Data Security, Technical Data Protection and Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default. She was appointed by the European Commission in 2007 as an expert in the Working Group on Privacy & Technology of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA). Until 2008 she was a spokeswoman for the PET Group of the Society for Computer Science. As part of the recurring event “Data Protection – Law and Technology”, she gives lectures at the Institute of Computer Science of the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel. She was also a lecturer at the Multimedia Campus Kiel and at the University of Applied Sciences in Kiel. In the ULD she was responsible for the EU-funded projects FIDIS , PRIME , PrimeLife and ABC4Trust . She was appointed as the successor to Thilo Weichert to the head of the Independent Center for Privacy Protection in July 2015, and has been a member of the Federal Government’s Data Ethics Commission since July 2018 .
Associate professor at the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences of the Radboud University Nijmegen.
Jaap-Henk Hoepman studied computer science at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Netherlands, and obtained his PhD at the University of Amsterdam based on work done at the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI). Currently he is an associate professor at the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences of the Radboud University Nijmegen, and principal scientist of the Privacy & Identity Lab. He is also an associate professor in the IT Law section of the Transboundary Legal Studies department of the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen, and a researcher at the Tilburg Institute of Law, Technology, and Society (TILT). His research interests focus on privacy by design, and privacy friendly protocols for identity management and the Internet of Things. He also maintains a blog covering his research and activities, and he is a columnist for the Financieele Dagblad (FD, a major Dutch newspaper) and a regular guest on the Dutch national radio news show Nieuws en Co.
World renowned cryptographer. Senior Technical Leader, Security Lab at Telecom Italia. Former Action Line Leader for Privacy, Security & Trust for EU EIT ICT labs.
Jovan Golic has been working in the field of information security for more than three decades, both in academic and industrial world. In his current position at the Security Lab of Telecom Italia Group, he has been working on a number of projects related to data anonymization and pseudonymization, format-preserving and syntax-preserving encryption, pseudorandom number generation and stream ciphers, true random number generation in hardware, secure hardware implementations, secret sharing and key agreement protocols, intrusion detection, statistical anomaly detection, biometric authentication, authentication in ad hoc networks, security in information-centric networks, and embedded SIM protocols. He has been also involved in startup creation and delivering services and products to the market.
Romano Stasi graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 1993 at the University of Rome La Sapienza, where he achieved an MBA in 1998 at the Bocconi University in Milan. He is the Managing Director of ABI Lab, the Banking Research & Innovation Centre promoted by the Italian Banking Association. He is also Chief operating officer of CERTFin, the Italian CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team ) dedicated to the banking sector. He has relevant work experience on B2B relationship, regarding in particular make or buy choices, marketing activities and process reengineering with a strong focus on the ICT solutions. He was a managing consultant for international consulting firms such as Accenture and Cap Gemini Ernst&Young developing projects in the Financial Services and ICT sector. He had the responsibility as E-business leader in GE Oil&Gas to define and implement the world wide B2B e-business strategy.
Achim Klabunde heads the IT Policy group at the European Commission Data protection supervisor. In previous roles, he was at the European Commission, as a member of the team for the preparation of the Data protection reform in the Directorate-General for Justice. Before that, he led the Telecommunications Data Protection Directive team at the 2009 Telecom Reform. From 2002 to 2006, he was a project consultant for the Support for eHealth, eGovernment, ITSecurity and data protection projects. After studying computer science and communications research and Graduated as a computer scientist from the University of Bonn, he worked 15 Years in IT and communications as a software developer, project manager and IT manager.
Director for Fundamental Rights and Union Citizenship in the EU Commission’s Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers.
Paul F. Nemitz is the Director responsible for Fundamental rights & Union citizenship in the Directorate-General Justice of the European commission. Before joining DG Justice, he held posts in the Legal Service of the Commission, the Cabinet of Commissioner Nielson, and in the Directorates General for Trade, Transport and Maritime Affairs. He has a broad experience as agent of the Commission in litigation before the European Courts and he has published extensively on EU law. Nemitz was admitted to the Bar in Hamburg and for a short time was a teaching assistant at Hamburg University. He obtained a Master of Comparative Law from George Washington University Law School in Washington, D.C., where he was a Fulbright grantee. He also passed the first and second cycle of the Strasburg Faculty for comparative law, with the support of a grant by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
CEO of LSEC, a not for profit industry association focused on Information Security in Europe, based in Belgium and with operations in the Netherlands, UK and Germany.
Ulrich Seldeslachts is executive director of, a not for profit industry association focused on Cyber Security and Data Protection in Europe, based in Belgium and with operations in the Netherlands, UK and Germany. LSEC is a cyber security catalyst, bringing together enterprise and government users, with industrial ICT Security expertise and academic experts and researchers. As a spinoff of KU Leuven University, LSEC is a thought leader on Cyber Security since 2002. Next to GDPR and data protection, LSEC has been active in domains of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI), Insider Threats, and Cyber Security Market Analysis. Prior to LSEC, Ulrich was responsible for the corporate development of a US-European Broadband wireless operator (Sprint-Clearwire), held operational ICT security positions at Orange and ran Cybersecurity investments at a Corporate Venture Capital. Ulrich has been coordinating digital transformations since 1996, operating the first commercial websites for large international companies such as Royal Dutch Shell, KBC bank, Interleasing, and Food Lion – Delhaize group.
Erik Duyck is an electronics engineer and business development accelerator at EIT Digital, a leading European digital innovation and entrepreneurial education organisation driving Europe’s digital transformation. They deliver breakthrough digital innovations to the market and breeds entrepreneurial talent for economic growth and improved quality of life in Europe. It does this by mobilising a pan-European ecosystem of almost 200 top European corporations, SMEs, start-ups, universities and research institutes. He currently works out of Eindhoven, and recently returned from a mission in Silicon Valley, to further experience Digital Transformation, for the benefit of their scale-ups, corporate partners & our professional education. As an engineer, he likes to be inspired. In turn, he likes to inspire others with empathy.
David Meyer is a freelance technology journalist specialising in connected rights, policy, communications technology, emerging markets and emerging tech. His early journalistic career was spent in general news, working behind the scenes for BBC radio and on-air as a newsreader for independent stations. David’s main focus is on communications, of both the fixed and wireless varieties, as well as internet technologies, regulation and mobile devices. He is based in Berlin.
Brussels-based Europe Correspondent at, leading IT security portal.
Jennifer Baker is an EU tech policy reporter with 18 years experience as a journalist – freelance, remote, and in-house. She has over eight years of experience in Brussels reporting on EU technology, politics and legislation. Her skills include translating technical jargon, legalese & policy-speak into understandable, engaging English. Jennifer also has many contacts bursting with tech influencers and Brussels insiders, as well as Great on-air presentation skills including, live breaking news. She is a renowned live event moderator with in-depth knowledge of EU policy & the tech sector and expert in event reports and analysis publications for knowledgeable, targeted audiences. She was named in Politico’s Top 20 Women Shaping Brussels in 2017, ranked in Onalytica’s Top 100 Global Influencers on Data Protection 2016, and an expert council member, with a good technology collective.
UN Special Rapporteur on the Right of Privacy.