Towards solutions to Challenge A and B: the “Trustless Computing Certification Body”

 In Blog, Press Release

Some speakers of the Free and Safe in Cyberspace (FSC) event series and advisors to the Trustless Computing Association, lead by Rufo Guerreschi, have joined together to research and propose a comprehensive solution to Challenges A and B posted by FSC:

The Trustless Computing Certification Body: a new standard and certification body for wide-market ultra-high assurance IT systems, with voluntary compliance to “constitutional” lawful access requests

Among the co-authors: Bart Preneel (most recognized EU cryptographer), Jovan Golic (EIT Digital PST-AL Leader), Alptekin Kupcu (cryptographer), Henrique Kawakami (CTO of Kryptus), as well as CapGemini and Tecnalia (the EU leading IT security consulting companies that were awarded the most extensive studies on Mass Surveillance for the EU Parliament STOA and LIBE Committee.

We suspect that the challenge of reconciling privacy and cyber-investigation capabilities is essentially one of finding a substantial win-win solution, rather than finding an “acceptable balance” between safety and freedom, as believed by most. That is why our proposal is both about defining technical, socio-technical and organizational standards for the entire IT life-cycle that are aimed at achieving ultra-high IT assurance (Challenge A of FSC) and about enabling “constitutional” lawful access (Challenge B of FSC) to such IT services.

Find here a Google Doc draft (Gdoc) of that includes a 1-page Manifesto and a long Study of tens of pages.

We welcome the addition of co-authors, contributors, and comments until it’s finalization, no later than Sept 22-23rd 2016.

Contact us to join our quest!:


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